Welcoming Ambassador-Designate Dr. Nina Nordström to Tel Aviv

We are happy to introduce our Ambassador-Designate Dr. Nina Nordström!



Dr. Nina Nordström was appointed to the post of Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Tel Aviv as of 1 September 2023. Before that, Dr. Nordström was Head of Mission at Finland’s Permanent Representation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

Previously, Dr. Nina Nordström has worked in the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN in New York, and thereafter served as Director at the Executive Board of UNICEF HQ in New York. Her previous postings include Tallinn, Stockholm and Bucharest. In the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, she has served ia. as Director of the Unit for Human Rights Policy at the Political Department. She has also worked with disarmament and non-proliferation issues. Dr. Nordström joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1999.

Dr. Nordström holds a Doctor of Laws (LL.D) degree in International Law from the European University Institute in Florence, a Master of Laws degree from the London School of Economics and a Licentiate of Political Sciences degree from Åbo Akademi University.

Professionally, Dr. Nina Nordström is excited about the opportunity to serve her country Finland in Israel and to continue deepening the excellent political, cultural and trade relations between our countries. “We have many common interests, for instance a keen interest in innovation and technology, to improve people’s lives and build more functional and secure societies,“ she says.

Dr. Nordström has two adult children and a spouse who, despite professional demands, will spend as much time as possible in Israel. Concerning personal interests, she says: “I relax in nature, by walking, and I get inspired by encounters with people.”

Tel Aviv Embassy team warmly welcomes Ambassador-Designate Dr. Nordström to Tel Aviv!