Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja on the situation in the Middle East at the BBC world service, July 13

Mr Tuomioja, do you think that Israel has acted disproportionately?

"The situation has undoubtedly elements of war.  Israel has employed a disproportianate force, resulting in unnecessary loss of civilian lives and destruction of a civilian infrastructure."

"The reason of these attacks is of course the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers. International community and the EU stand behind the demand of the unconditional release of these soldiers. It is also evident that using actions which are contrary to the international humanitarian law can only activate the vicious circle of violence and retribution and it cannot in a long term serve anyone's particular security either." 

How can Israel get their soldiers back?

"I'm not quite sure that this is the way that they're going to get them back. There are, there have been and there will be ongoing international efforts to secure the release of the soldiers and I'm not at all convinced that what we have seen really serves this aim. Certainly there has been civilian casualities as well."

"Particularly in Gaza the destruction of a power station was totally something that cannot be justified by any security concerns."

How worried are you that the situation in Gaza and particularly in Lebanon is going to deteriorate into a full-scale war?

"I'm sure it's a possibility, unfortunately. We have seen many situations also earlier when we have thought that things can't get worse but they seemed to be able to do so. We have to intensify our efforts to bring the violence to and end."