Item 2: interactive dialogue on UN High Commissioner’s annual report

56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Interactive Dialogue on the Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 19 June 2024, Statement by Finland.

Mr. President,

Finland aligns itself with the EU statement.  We thank the High Commissioner for the Office’s invaluable work, including to protect civilians in armed conflict.

Finland condemns Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Civilians in Ukraine need the attention and action by the international community. Russia must end the unlawful practice of child deportation and forcible transfer.

On Gaza, we strongly support the new ceasefire proposal as established by Security Council resolution 2735. We urge all parties to respect international human rights and humanitarian law.

All people have the right to a sustainable path to peace. We are concerned of the suffering of people in other conflicts too, including in Sudan.

Mr. President,

The realisation of fundamental freedoms and non-discrimination are essential for the enjoyment of all human rights.

Finland is deeply concerned by the silencing of independent voices in Russia and Belarus and calls for the release of all political prisoners.

We call on China to implement the recommendations of the OHCHR and treaty bodies in relation to laws, policies and practices that violate human rights, including Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong.

Severe discrimination of LGBTIQ+ persons in many countries, including Russia, Uganda and Iraq, is concerning. We thank the OHCHR for its efforts to ensure that everyone can live a life in freedom and equality.

Thank you.