Ministry for Foreign Affairs draft budget for 2006

Press release 236/2005
3 August, 2005

In its draft budget submitted to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs proposes a budget totalling EUR 890.3 million for its administrative sector in 2006. This sum exceeds the Government’s budget framework by EUR 7.1 million. The difference is caused by the increase in Finland’s payments to the UN.

The principal objectives for social effectiveness in the administrative sector of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for 2006 are:

to strengthen Finland’s international position and to improve the international operating conditions for the economy; to promote the interests of Finns and Finnish perspectives throughout the world; to increase stability, security and cooperation in neighbouring areas; to support the enlargement and development of the European Union; and to ensure international stability, security and well-being, and to develop global governance.

All activities aim at the attainment of these objectives, and the Ministry’s resources are targeted accordingly.

The sum of EUR 178.8 million was proposed for expenditure on activities. The principal goal for 2006 is to ensure the success of Finland’s Presidency of the EU. A successful Presidency will also augment Finland’s influence within the Union. In 2006, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will target its resources primarily on handling the EU Presidency. Development of the Ministry’s line of action will continue in accordance with the strategic areas of focus.

The targeting of development cooperation appropriations presented in the draft budget is based on the Government’s Development Policy Programme. The central objective of Finland’s development policy is to help eradicate abject poverty throughout the world. Implementation of the development policy is grounded in a law-based approach and in the principles of sustainable development. The draft budget proposes a total sum of EUR 665.7 million for the State’s development cooperation expenditure; this corresponds to about 0.41 per cent of the gross national income. A total of EUR 513.6 million is proposed for Class 30, International Development Cooperation, under the main title of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Following the increase in appropriations for operations, EUR 2.8 million has been transferred from development cooperation appropriations to operating expenses in order to strengthen the administration of development cooperation.

In line with the budget framework, EUR 23.0 million is proposed for cooperation in neighbouring areas. In accordance with the strategy for cooperation in neighbouring areas adopted by the Government, the objective is to promote regional stability and to support balanced economic and social development in neighbouring areas. Neighbouring area cooperation contributes, for instance, to promoting environmental protection and nuclear safety, to combating organised crime and to preventing the spreading of narcotics and communicable diseases. The primary target for neighbouring area cooperation is Northwest Russia, especially the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Region, the Murmansk Region and the City of St. Petersburg. Neighbouring area cooperation is carried out, in particular, in the following fields: the environment; energy; nuclear safety; social welfare and health care; agriculture and forestry; the judicial system; transport and telecommunications; education and civil society.

Finland’s foreign and security policy is developed in accordance with the Government’s Report on Finnish Security and Defence Policy. Foreign and security policy also encompasses crisis management. The outlines of the report have been taken into account in determining the appropriations for peacekeeping operations and civilian crisis management. These items include unallocated appropriations totalling EUR 8.3 million for new projects that may arise or for additional expenditure or continuation of ongoing projects. The appropriations for peacekeeping operations have been dimensioned in accordance with the strength of the peacekeeping forces and their duties. The appropriations for civilian crisis management take into account the projects in which Finland is likely to participate, for instance, alongside the expanding tasks of the European Union. It is estimated that about 1,100 people will serve in peacekeeping and civilian crisis management operations in 2006.

The draft budget proposes EUR 84.9 million for item 24.99.66, ‘Membership fees and financing contributions’. This exceeds the framework by EUR 7.1 million. The difference is explained by the increase in Finland’s contribution to the UN budget, to peacekeeping forces and to the International War Crimes Tribunal.

Further information: Mikko Patosuo, Manager, Financial Planning, tel. +358 9 16055870, development cooperation: Sinikka Antila, Head of the Unit for General Development Policy and Planning, tel. +358 9 160 56283, and neighbouring area cooperation: Minni Hyrkkänen, Senior Officer, tel. +358 9 160 55610

Ministry for Foreign Affairs draft budget for 2006 in Finnish (html)

Ministry for Foreign Affairs draft budget for 2006 in Finnish (pdf, 104 kb)