Legalising documents 

The Finnish authorities may ask you to legalise a foreign document. This should be done in the country where the document was issued.

  1. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the issuing country certifies that the document is genuine and has been issued by its authority
  2. The competent Finnish mission in the country legalises the document by appending to it a certificate proving the right of the official at the country’s ministry for foreign affairs to issue such certificates.

Service fees

Legalization of Taiwanese documents for Finnish authorities

Finnish missions can only legalize documents, which have a connection to Finland and are based on official registries/documents issued by a local authority. Personal statements/affirmations, like Affidavits used in Taiwan often as certificates of non-impediment when getting married, cannot be legalized by the Finnish missions.

In order for a Taiwanese document to be valid in Finland (e.g. birth, death or marriage certificate), the document must be legalized. At first one should obtain a legalization from the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the second legalization from the Consulate General of Finland in Hong Kong.

In principle, the legalization is subject to a fee. 

Instructions for legalizing documents in Taiwan can be found here(Link to another website.).

Contact details of the Consulate General of Finland in Hong Kong

The contact details can be found here: Consulate General of Finland Hong Kong