European elections 2019 – advance voting in Poland

In the European elections of 2019, advance voting will be organised in Warsaw from 15th to 18th May. It is also possible to vote by post. In Finland the Election Day will be 26 May 2019.

All Finnish nationals living abroad who have the right to vote will be sent a notification of their right to vote by post as far as the current address in known by the Local Register Office of the municipality of their latest place of residence in Finland. It is good to take the notification card of the right to vote with you, but voting is possible without it. At the polling station, you are asked to present your passport or another official identification document.

In the European elections, people entitled to vote may only vote in one EU member state: their home country or the country of residence. A Finnish national, who has registered as a voter in another EU member state by the prescribed date is not entitled to vote in the European elections in Finland.

A possibility to vote by post was also introduced in Finland earlier this spring. Eligible voters living permanently abroad and eligible voters staying abroad during the advance voting period and on the election day will have the right to vote by post in general elections. A voter wishing to vote by post is responsible for ordering the postal voting documents, voting, and returning the vote in time. Read more: Postal voting(Link to another website.).

Advance polling station in Poland:

Embassy of Finland

Ul. Chopina 4/8
Tel: +48 22 598 9500
[email protected]
Wed 15 May 2019 at 13.00–16.30
Thu 16 May 2019 at 13.00–16.30
Fri 17 May 2019 at 13.00–16.30
Sat 18 May 2019 at 10.00–13.00

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