Export and internationalization: services and experts in the Netherlands 

We help your company succeed in the Netherlands: 

  • we offer information about the market and opportunities in the Netherlands 

  • we identify promising business opportunities in the market 

  • we help you find suitable partners and contacts 

  • we help you when you encounter possible trade obstacles

Team Finland contacts in the Netherlands

Embassy of Finland, The Hague

Ilkka-Pekka Similä, Ambassador 

Aino Suvanto, Special Advisor, Trade and Economic Affairs
Team Finland Coordinator 
+31 61 054 5937

Oona Mandell, Assistant
Communications and Culture 
+31 70 346 9754 

Goals and services of the Team Finland network 

Our goal is to strengthen the commercial-economic relations between Finland and the Netherlands, support Finnish companies seeking to enter the market, and promote Finland's image in the Netherlands. Our task is also to increase Finns' knowledge and interest in the Dutch market. We support Finnish companies in reaching the desired customer base and in achieving visibility. 

The services of the Team Finland network in the Netherlands include reporting on market opportunities, creating connections, solving problems and partnerships.