Finnish comedy Finnhorse to be staged at the Croatian National Theatre in Split

Split National Theathre Split National Theathre

Horse is a sharp modern comedy that is both dark and touching. Sirkku Peltola is one of the most popular and successful playwrights in Finland and Finnhorse is her most popular play. If you are wondering about the connection between this play and Croatia, it is evident in a very first sentence that the Finnish farmer who is trying to survive the rules, forms, provisions and laws of the EU, is going through similar tragicomic situations as a farmer from Dalmatinska zagora. Nenni Delmestre’s translation and adaptation of the play localised the story completely, and the direction will turn it into a crazy, lucid and mad representation of the reality of people from this area of Croatia.

The premiere of the KONJ play is 9.12.2010.

Source: Croatian National Theatre Split ( to another website.))