Exhibition of two young Finnish architects in Zagreb

The exhibition of two young but world-famous Finnish architects, Jenni Reuter and Ville Hara, has arrived in Zagreb. The exhibition is open at the premises of Zagreb's Architects' Society (Trg bana Jelacica 3/1) until November 26.

The exhibition of two young Finnish architects, Jenni Reuter and Ville Hara, was presented in August on the island of Unije when Pekka Salminen Architects (UWI) and the Finnish-Croatian Society organised a happening called Unije Cultural Summer 2004. The exhibition of the Finnish architects has now arrived in Zagreb and will be open until November 26 at the premises of Zagreb's Architects' Society (DAZ Drustvo arhitekata Zagreba, Trg bana Jelacica 3/1). Hara and Reuter started their visit to Croatia with a presentation held at the Faculty of Architecture on Monday, November 15.

In 2003, Ville Hara won the biggest and best award for young architects in the world, the ar+d, with the wooden lookout tower he designed for the Helsinki Zoo. In 2002, Jenni Reuter received the ar+d recognition for the women’s centre in Senegal she designed together with Saija Hollmén and Helena Sandman.

DAZ - Zagreb's Architects' Society(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)

Women’s centre in Senegal by Jenni Reuter(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)

Lookout tower by Ville Hara(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)

Unije Cultural Summer(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)