Finland actively involved in AIDS prevention

Press release 281/2004
1 December, 2004

"The AIDS problem is not just a health issue. It is widely connected with poverty and lack of security and equality", says Finland's Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Paula Lehtomäki. Finland is actively involved in the worldwide battle against AIDS mainly through the United Nations.

Finland's assistance to the United Nations Programme against HIV/AIDS called UNAIDS is 4.8 million US dollars this year. In addition, Finland has supported the activities of the UN Population Fund, UNFPA, with 15 million euros annually. UNFPA's assistance is aimed at the promotion of reproduction health. Cooperation with the Nordic countries is also important.

The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, which was started earlier this year, offers a variety of aids prevention organisations a joint umbrella for close cooperation with UNAIDS. "Finland finances this project aimed at improving the status of girls and women with two million euros a year in 2005-2006", says Minister Lehtomäki.

"HIV and AIDS epidemic touches more and more girls and women every day. During the past two years the number of HIV infected women has increased worldwide", says Lehtomäki. "It is, of course, important that both sexes have equal rights to protect themselves from AIDS. However, women and girls in many communities are more susceptible to infection", she adds.

HIV infections spread particularly rapidly in Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America. In the Sub-Saharan Africa the majority of HIV infected under 24 years are women.

One of the objectives of the UN Millennium Declaration is to halt and reverse the spread of HIV infections and AIDS by the year 2015. "It is vital to provide long-term assistance to countries that have been devastated by AIDS", reminds the minister. "Campaigning against AIDS requires a wide approach as the fundamental problem often lies in poverty and questions of equality."

The hands-on work done by the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS includes prevention of HIV infections in girls and women, providing equal opportunities for health care and supporting women who take care of sick people. The programme also deals with violence against women and with women's lack of ownership rights. UNAIDS runs the programme and acts as a donor.

Further information: Counsellor Matti Jaskari, Department for Global Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, tel. +358 9 1605 6232

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