Finnish government released first-ever human rights report

Press release 74/2004
24 March, 2004

The Finnish government today released a first-ever governmental report on the Finnish human rights policy. For the first time, in addition to covering the international human rights environment, the report also focuses on human rights questions in Finland. The report provides an extensive overview on Finland’s objectives with regard to human rights policies in different sectors. Earlier in 1998 and 2000 human rights reports covered the international situation as submitted to Parliament by the Foreign Minister.

It is stated in the report that human rights are a priority in the government’s foreign and security policy. Finland’s active international role in promoting human rights and its good record in the implementation of human rights obligations in Finland are inter-connected.

Finland emphasises the rights of women, children, minorities and indigenous peoples. In the near future Finland will focus on the rights of the disabled. Nationally, the government is committed to counteracting human trafficking, and plans to adopt a national plan of action against it, as well as violence against women. Minorities commitments include the policy of improving the status of the Roma, for example by initiating the establishment of a European Forum for Roma at the Council of Europe.

The consistency of the Finnish human rights policy will be improved and human rights will be taken into account in the differenct sectors of politics. Violations against human and minority rights diminish social stability and become a breeding ground for extremist movements. Thus, human rights are explicitly intertwined with security policy and counter-terrorism. Finland distinctly emphasises the protection of civilians, particularly women and children, in crisis situations. Finland also emphasises the importance of human rights and international law in the fight against terrorism.

Extreme poverty is a main human rights challenge. In its development policy, Finland will focus on human rights issues, including the promotion of good governance and rule of law, as well as assisting non-governmental organisations in their human rights work.

The report was prepared in cooperation with various ministries. Parliament is scheduled to discuss the report on Wednesday, 31 March.

Further information: Johanna Suurpää, Head of the Unit for Human Rights Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, tel. +358 9 160 56551, +358 40 724 0287.

human rights