EU development ministers to discuss aid to Asia

Press Release 50/2005
11 February 2005

The development ministers of the European Union nations will hold an unofficial meeting in Luxembourg on 14–15 February. Among the topics on the agenda are aid for the areas of Asia affected by the tsunami catastrophe, the global HIV situation and realisation of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Paula Lehtomäki, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, will represent Finland at the meeting.

With regard to the Asian tsunami catastrophe, the talks will centre especially on implementation of the pledges given and on strengthening the EU’s reaction readiness. The challenge facing the European Union is to improve its readiness in the sectors of humanitarian aid, rescue services and cooperation among consulates. The decision to intensify rapid reaction readiness was taken in January.

Finland will focus, in particular, on fitting together humanitarian aid and reconstruction assistance, so that the transition phase between the forms of assistance would take place as seamlessly as possible. Smooth cooperation between the United Nations, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank is essential to reconstruction. The plans of countries victim to the tsunami should serve as the base for reconstruction work.

During their meeting the development ministers will also discuss the struggle against HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS, will also attend the discussion. The intention is for the discussion to pay especial attention to increasing EU effectiveness and coordination.

Finland considers promotion of women’s rights, furthering of gender equality and promotion of sexual and reproduction health to be important in connetion with communicable diseases. Finland stresses the need for a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention and underscores the importance of basic health services in combating disease.

During their meeting the ministers will also discuss reform of the EU’s development policy, and will bring up the report examining implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Thus preparatory efforts for a common input at the UN’s 2005 Millennium Summit, to be held in September 2005 to review the implementation of the Millennium Declaration, will be launched at the ministerial level meeting.

Additional information: Pekka Metso, Head of Unit, Unit for Asia and Oceania, mobile tel. +358 40 521 0541, and Riitta Oksanen, Advisor, Unit for General Development Policy and Planning, mobile tel. +358 50 558 1577