Happy 30 Years at the Embassy of Finland in Ankara! Our Diligent Colleague, Zafer Güler, Celebrates His 30th year at the Embassy

Zafer Güler, caretaker of the Embassy of Finland in Ankara celebrated his 30th year at the Embassy with a surprise cake. Zafer Güler started working as a part-time gardener on December 3, 1993 in the old building of the Embassy of Finland in Ankara. When the Embassy moved to its current location in 1997, he started working full-time.

Zafer Güler started working as a part-time gardener on December 3, 1993 in the old building of the Embassy of Finland in Ankara. When the Embassy moved to its current location in 1997, he started working full-time.

Zafer remembers the old days when the Embassy consisted of a few people and states that the work load increased as the employee number increased. However, he adds that it has always been a very nice work environment for him. Smiling faces of the people he has worked with is what kept him working at the mission. He remembers getting along well with all those who had a role in his work life. Reciprocal respect and understanding is what kept him going on even in very busy days.

The pearl of the Embassy Zafer. 30. year of victory (Zafer)

The most memorable moment of his career

In 2004, I took on the simultaneous renovation of both the Embassy and the residence. It was a challenging and demanding endeavor, but I managed to complete everything by the promised deadline. This day held great significance for me, and I'm relieved that it all went smoothly, leaving everyone satisfied with the outcomes.

I also recall an event hosted at the Embassy, where guests were present, and the catering service was carefully working in the kitchen when the water supply suddenly ceased. Although we couldn't halt the event, water was crucial for the catering staff. In a moment of quick thinking, I arranged for a water tanker to be brought to the Embassy, saving the day. While it was a stressful experience for me, the guests' happiness was the ultimate reward. That's what truly mattered.


Photo from Zafer’s 30th year celebration with Ambassador Pirkko Hämäläinen



How would you define working at a mission?       

As I've mentioned before, I appreciate the atmosphere in this place. Although I began my journey as a gardener, my career has taken various turns over the years, making it anything but routine. One aspect that sets this job apart from others is the regular turnover of mission leaders and diplomatic staff. Each time a new Ambassador assumes their role, it feels like starting anew. It typically takes around six months to fully grasp their preferences and working style. Understanding what they expect from me and how they respond to different situations requires time, but I must acknowledge that getting along isn't challenging. The initial six months serve as a learning phase, and once I've adapted, things become more straightforward.

Anything you would like to add?

Working alongside ambassadors, diplomats, and the rest of the embassy staff has brought me great joy. I appreciate the chance to contribute in a peaceful work environment and eagerly anticipate many more years ahead.

Zafer, thank you for your invaluable dedication over the past 30 years, and wish you many more years of happiness.