Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja to visit Myanmar and Cambodia

Press Release 49/2015
13 February 2015

Foreign Minister Tuomioja will visit Myanmar on 16–17 February 2015. The Foreign Minister will meet Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin, President U Thein Sein, Speaker of the House of Representative Thura U Mann Shwe, Minister of the President’s Office U Aung Min and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Bilateral relations and developments in Myanmar as well as current international issues are among the topics of discussion. Finland’s country strategy for development cooperation, which was completed in January, will also be discussed. The implementation of the strategy is planned in three sectors: education, good management of natural resources, and the development of democracy and the rule of law.

Foreign Minister Tuomioja will travel from Myanmar to Cambodia, where on 18 February he will meet Prime Minister Hun Sen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, opposition leader Sam Rainsy as well as representatives of civil society. The topics of the meetings are, among others, bilateral relations, Cambodia’s development and regional and international issues. 

Additional information: Diplomatic Adviser Tarja Kangaskorte, mobile tel. +358 40 181 9257; Desk Officer Petri Wanner (Myanmar), mobile tel. +358 40 731 4509; and Desk Officer Marita Meranto (Cambodia), mobile tel. +358 400 445 035.