A webinar summary: Industrial water circularity in Morocco; opportunities for collaboration between Finnish and Moroccan companies in sustainable water management

A webinar “Industrial water circularity in Morocco; opportunities for collaboration between Finnish and Moroccan companies in sustainable water management” was organized on Wednesday 26th of May by the Finnish Water Forum, Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland in Morocco. The webinar aimed to present opportunities for collaboration between Finnish and Moroccan stakeholders in the water sector. It consisted of multiple speakers presenting Moroccan and Finnish offerings, water-related politics, projects and industrial water management.

Morocco is looking for solutions for its worsening water scarcity. Most of the water consumption is from the agricultural sector, which structurally overconsumes non-renewable groundwater. Another sector in need of water management solutions is mining; to manage risks created by pollution and overconsumption of water. According to El Ghali Bennouna, especially the cleaning phase of mining needs improvements.  In addition, both the agriculture and mining sectors in Morocco would need more governmental solutions to address water usage.

Finnish offerings for water management include technical solutions and innovations, and it is a world leader for example in wastewater treatment and sanitation, and drinking water sustainability. In the webinar, Patryck Wojowicz explained how a well-functioning digital platform offered by the Smart Water Group can help water-consuming industries, such as mining save water. Another example is Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), a solution provided by Geological Survey of Finland for the areas where natural groundwater reserves are not sufficient.

The webinar proved that there are multiple opportunities for increased collaboration between the countries in water management, and the Finnish solutions and offerings could be part of the solution to help Morocco, and Moroccan companies tackle the pressing water issues.