Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja to attend Lebanon reconstruction conference in Paris

Press release 17/2007
23 January, 2007

Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja will attend the Lebanon reconstruction conference in Paris, to be held on 25 January, that has been convened by France. Those invited include 30 states as well as representatives of international financing institutions. Prime Minister of Lebanon Fuad Siniora will also attend the conference.

The conference will handle the reconstruction situation of Lebanon after the hostilities of last summer, and discuss the challenges related to stabilisation of local conditions. The participating countries can announce what kind of support they intend to commit for reconstruction of Lebanon. In accordance with the joint EU policy line, Finland gives its full support for the Lebanese government in its struggle for stabilisation of national conditions.

Finland's contribution to Lebanon has been significant. In 2006, Finland donated the total of 4.5 million euros for reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. The support was primarily directed for medical services, repair of mine-caused damages, and prevention of oil spill damages.

Additional information: Attaché Keijo Karjalainen, Unit for the Middle East and North Africa, tel. +358 9 1605 6649, and First Secretary Keijo Norvanto, Foreign Minister's office, tel. +358 9 1605 5332