Foreign Minister Stubb to OSCE Foreign Minister meeting in Corfu

Press release 174/2009
26 June, 2009

Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb will participate in the informal meeting of OSCE foreign ministers to be held in Corfu, Greece, on 27-28 June.

The Corfu meeting will continue the dialogue on the European security conducted within the OSCE framework. The last ministerial-level discussion on the matter was held in the OSCE Ministerial Council of Helsinki in December 2008. The Greek OSCE Chairmanship expects the Corfu meeting to act as a preliminary meeting for the OSCE Ministerial Council to be held in Athens in December.

Finland regards the OSCE as an excellent forum for an open dialogue on the future of European security. Finland considers it important that the EU takes active part in this dialogue. For instance, the following issues will be included among the topics of discussion: frozen conflicts, crisis management, arms control, and democracy and human rights issues.

Representatives from almost all OSCE member states are expected to arrive at Corfu. Most of the EU member states will participate in the meeting at a ministerial level. Russia will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to cancel her participation.

Additional information: Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mikko Hautala, tel. +358 40 834 6758, Press Attaché to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Juha Kirstilä, tel. +358 40 552 8200, and Director Timo Kantola, Unit for Security Policy and Crisis Management, tel. +358 40 353 7549


foreign and security policy