Please remember to update your personal details in the Population Information System

Finnish citizens residing abroad have a statutory obligation to inform any changes in their personal data while abroad.

Population Information System (Väestörekisterikeskus)

You are advised to check from time to time that you address and other data in the Finnish Population Information System are up-to-date.

To check your data(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) you can access the free service maintained by the Population Register Centre or ask the data to be checked in a local register office ( to another website.) (Opens New Window)).

Documents concerning changed information can be either sent directly to the local register office or left to be taken there at a Finnish diplomatic mission abroad.

NB! The documents must be original copies, legalised and translated into Finnish.

Please consult the website of the Local Register Offices(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) at where expatriate Finns are advised on how to submit information on a change in personal details. The forms are available on their websites and at

When data in the Population Information System are up-to-date

  • it is easier to get a passport
  • you can receive a notification on the right to vote in elections in Finland by post
  • persons with a dual citizenship can receive a notification of the risk of losing their dual citizenship at the age of 22 and instructions on how to retain dual citizenship
  • a male person with a dual citizenship is automatically exempted form responding to a call-up and from military service, if he has, according to the Population Information System, resided abroad for the past 7 years.