New Nordic Food will show the world who we are in the Nordic Region

Nordic Food Diplomacyn ytimessä on aterian takana oleva tarina – se, mitä ruoan avulla halutaan kertoa. Kuva: Nick White / The most important thing about Nordic Food Diplomacy is the story behind the meal. What do we convey with our food and what experiences do we cherish? Picture: Nick White /  

The Nordic Council of Ministers aims to strengthen the Nordic countries' international brand through culinary experiences. One way of doing this is through a more conscious use of raw ingredients in the Nordic embassies and the Nordic companies around the world.

A new webportal is now being launched that will inspire people around the world to use the ideas behind New Nordic Food and create their own unique expression - wherever they are now - based on a Nordic tradition: Nordic Food Diplomacy(Link to another website.)

National is also Nordic

New Nordic Food is about simplicity and pure ingredients. It is about creating experiences and good food from local products, wherever you are in the world. About using the raw ingredients which are in season and adjust the flavours in a typical Nordic way. It's about ecology, sustainability and respect for nature and people.

Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian or Swedish, yes also Greenlandic, Faroese and Ålandic - all these cuisines are Nordic in each of their own way and the new site shows how you can easily and creatively use your country's traditions in a new global cuisine: the New Nordic Kitchen.

Make your own New Nordic food experience

The webportal contains all the tools you need to create a Nordic meal experience. It is not just about recipes, but also about specific instructions on how to create whole experiences. The portal also contains links to video interviews, inspiration on how to design invitations and menus, table setting tips and check lists. There are also a number of downloads which present the Nordic kitchen and tips for how to use storytelling to create an atmosphere around the mealtime.


Nordic Star Chefs in Japan