Minna Haukka´s videoinstallation "On Movement"

On the occasion of the celebration of the completion of 110 years since the construction of the historical site where the Center is hosted, Duncan Dance Research Center is organizing a series of events that include dance classes, performances, lectures and discussions led by international and local artists and academics. Minna Haukka´s videoinstalation "on Movement" will be shown 

in the Centre on Sunday 2nd June beginning at 7:30 pm. 

Isadora Duncan (1877-197), born in Irish-American family, was a radical pioneer of modern dance, a teacher and a feminist who created a whole new way of thinking of dance as a medium. She was also the first political dancer of her era.

Hundred years after Duncan her dance tradition is carried on by dancer Barbara Kane. On Movement, a video installation by Minna Haukka, is a portrait of Barbara Kane as an interpretor of the spirit of Duncan era. At the same time it is an examination of the meaning and role of a dancer like Kane in contemporary society.

In Duncan dance there are many references to the visual arts ; Greek sculptures, the Italian Renaissance, Pre-Raphaelites, Rodin and Bourdelle as well as Russian Imaginism and Dadaism. Both in dance and visual Haukka’s eye is focusing on line, proposition, symmetry, repetition, rhythm and volume. But above all in art she always looks for something that moves her.

Minna Haukka_Duncan iso








Isadora and Raymond Duncan Research Centre
34 Chrysafis and Dikearhou Str, Byron
Tel: +30 210 762 1234 
E-mail : [email protected]

More information
Duncan Dance Center(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)