Nordic–Baltic–U.S.A Cyber Dialogue in Helsinki

Press release 212/2015
22 September 2015

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will organize a cyber dialogue between the Nordic and Baltic countries and the U.S. in Helsinki on 23–24 September 2015. A high-level meeting of senior officials will discuss topical issues relating to the cyber space: cyber security, international law and standards in the cyber domain, and public and private sector partnerships.

The Nordic and Baltic countries and the U.S. are active in cyber space issues and important partners for Finland. The cyber dialogue in Helsinki aims to strengthen exchange of information and increase the participating countries' mutual understanding.

The meeting will be chaired by Ambassador for Cyber Security Marja Rislakki. Speakers will include, among others, Marina Kaljurand, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Christopher Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues at the U.S. Department of State, Jarno Limnéll, Professor in the Aalto University, Vesa Virtanen, General Secretary of the Security Committee, and Timo Kotilainen, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Finnish Information Security Cluster. The meeting will be opened by Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini.

Cyber security and issues relating to the cyber space play an increasingly important role in foreign, security and defence policy cooperation. The different dimensions of the cyber space are discussed in multilateral and regional organizations as well as in bilateral meetings. The private sector is an important partner for cooperation.

The previous cyber dialogue was organized in Tallinn, Estonia, in the autumn of 2014.

Ambassador Pia Rantala-Engberg is the new Ambassador for Cyber Security from 1 September. Rantala-Engberg will follow Ambassador Marja Rislakki, who will transfer to serve as Head of the Embassy of Finland in China. Before moving to the new post, Rantala-Engberg served as Ambassador at the Mission of Finland to NATO.

Inquiries: Marja Rislakki, Ambassador for Cyber Security, tel. +358 50 461 8754.

information society
safety and security