Additional support from Finland to combat Ebola in West Africa

Press Release 27/2015
27 January 2015

Finland has, on 26 January, granted one million euros in humanitarian aid to the International Red Cross for the work to combat Ebola in West Africa. This support for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is channelled through the Finnish Red Cross.

The Ebola epidemic that began in the south-eastern parts of Guinea in March 2014 has proved to be the worst in history, and cases of the disease still occur in the region. Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the countries most affected by the Ebola virus, are in need of support because their already weak health care systems suffer from a lack of resources.

At present it is particularly important to bring new infections to a halt. Although in places the number of infections has already been reduced, the number continues to rise in some areas.

The United Nations is also concerned that donor interest in Ebola will end even though the epidemic has not been curbed yet.

The support granted by Finland is targeted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for its work to spread information, promote bringing to treatment and safe burial practices, and to provide psychosocial support and clinical care.

The Finnish Red Cross will also participate in the opening of the new treatment centre set up in Kono, Sierra Leone through logistics and IT services as well as personnel assistance.

Finland thus far has granted a total of 3.9 million euros in humanitarian aid to the work against Ebola. In total, 2.2 million euros of this sum has been channelled through the Finnish Red Cross and IFRC. The support is paid from the appropriations for humanitarian assistance included in Finland’s development cooperation.

Aside from humanitarian aid, Finland granted 7.1 million euros to the UN Ebola Response Fund established in October 2014.

Additional information: Anna Gebremedhin, Head of the Unit for Humanitarian Assistance, tel. +358 295 351 038

Finnish Red Cross