IV International Uuno Klami Composition Competition 2018-2019 gets under way

The International Uuno Klami Composition Competition, one of the world’s foremost composition competitions, is being held for the fourth time in 2018–2019. The competition’s aim is to enrich and diversify the repertoire scored specifically for an orchestra of sinfonietta size and to discover and promote contemporary European music and composition under the name of Finnish composer Mr. Uuno Klami (1900–1961). The competition is organised by a Patrons’ Association.

The Jury will be Finland’s Mr. Kalevi Aho and Mr. Magnus Lindberg and Estonia’s Mr. Erkki-Sven Tüür, who are among the greatest composers and most influential musical figures of their generation. The conductor member of the Jury will be Mr. Olari Elts (Estonia), Artistic Advisor of the Kymi Sinfonietta.

The competition is open to citizens of any EU Member State, of a Nordic country, or of Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine or the Vatican City State (proof of permanent right of residence also accepted). There is no age limit. The deadline for submitting compositions to the Competition Office is 3 December 2018.

The works shortlisted for the finals will be performed at two finals concerts in the cities of Kouvola and Kotka in Finland in autumn 2019 by the Kymi Sinfonietta, one of the finest Finnish orchestras.

In previous years the International Uuno Klami Composition Competition has attracted an astounding number of entries: 117 from 23 countries the first time it was held, 186 from 27 countries the second time, and no fewer than 265 from 37 countries on the third occasion.

As composer Mr. Kalevi Aho, Chairman of the Jury as of the previous International Uuno Klami Composition Competitions, reports: “The Uuno Klami is the most important Finnish composition competition and one of the greatest of its kind in Europe. The most challenging stage for the Jury is selecting the finalists, since the standard has been extremely high throughout and the competition has attracted a remarkably large number of entries.”

More information on the competition website at www.klamicompetition.fi(Link to another website.)