Finland’s support to the stabilisation of Afghanistan

Government Communications Unit

Press release 395/2007

On Friday, 21 December, the President of the Republic and the Cabinet Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed a comprehensive report on Finland’s support to the stabilisation of Afghanistan. In addition, the meeting adopted a decision on the participation of the Defence Forces in international crisis management exercises and took note of a report on Nato prepared in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Afghanistan needs the international community’s long-term support. Finland participates in the stabilisation of Afghanistan and supports its reconstruction by providing assistance in the form of both military and civilian crisis management, development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The purpose is to strengthen the capabilities of the Afghan authorities and promote national development within Afghanistan. Finland, for its part, promotes efforts to strengthen cooperation among the various parties involved. The preconditions for the withdrawal of the international crisis management forces can only be created through comprehensive development.

With regard to crisis management, it is essential to better coordinate military and civilian crisis management. In accordance with the report submitted to Parliament in November 2007, Finland is preparing to participate, within the framework of the international ISAF operation, in the activities of Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLT) supporting the development of Afghanistan's national army. In addition, possibilities for Finland's strengthened participation in the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) will be examined, including the possibility of rotating as lead nation. Civilian activities under the PRT are also to be strengthened.

Finland supports the activities of Afghanistan’s security authorities also by providing material aid and through international funds. As regards civilian crisis management, the intention is to strengthen participation in the EU’s police operation supporting the development of Afghanistan’s police and criminal law system. In addition, Finland will contribute to the stabilisation of Afghanistan via OSCE and the Nato-Russia Council by supporting the development of Afghanistan’s border control capacity and training for drug prevention. Possible new areas of support will be examined and could include training for Afghan authorities within the framework of civilian crisis management and participation in the development of Afghanistan’s civil aviation sector.

Finland will continue its determined development cooperation with Afghanistan. The objective is to provide special support for alternative sources of livelihood to drug production and strengthen good governance. Finland’s annual aid to Afghanistan totals approximately EUR 10 million. Humanitarian aid will also be continued on the basis of needs mapping. Finland will increase its support for demining. Finland also contributes to the established ISAF fund providing assistance for civilian victims.

Further information: Pertti Torstila, State Secretary, tel. +358 9 1605 5011 and Anu Laamanen, Deputy Director General, tel. +358 9 1605 5519, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Pauli Järvenpää, Director General, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 9 1608 8140

Summary of the report "Finland’s support for the stabilisation of Afghanistan" (MFA 14 December 2007) (Opens New Window) (PDF)