Current affairs
Changes in the work permit applications
Read this if you are applying for a residence permit on the basis of work or if you are an employer. Due to amendments in the Aliens Act, there are some changes in the application forms and required documents for residence permits. The Finnish Immigration Service in Finland issues the residence permits. Detailed questions should be directed to the Finnish Immigration Service. You can also find useful material on their website.
Advance voting abroad in Finland's 2023 parliamentary elections in Kosovo
The Finnish parliamentary elections will be held on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for organising advance voting abroad. In Kosovo the advance voting will be held on 22-23 March 2023.
Immigration services at the Embassy of Finland in Pristina
Residence permit applications should be submitted through the EnterFinland-service. After submitting the application, you should book an appointment from the Embassy to identify yourself. Book your appointment from the online appointment system. Visa applications should be submitted to the Visa Application Center in Pristina. You should book your appointment directly from the Visa Application Center. The Finnish Border Guard issues instructions for entry to Finland during the pandemic.
Appearance of passports and identity cards to change
Passports and identity cards issued by the Finnish authorities will have a new appearance as of 13 March 2023. Minor technical adjustments will also be made to residence permit cards and residence cards. The changes will have no effect on the validity of previously issued passports, identity cards or residence permit documents.