Changes in the work permit applications

Read this if you are applying for a residence permit on the basis of work or if you are an employer. Due to amendments in the Aliens Act, there are some changes in the application forms and required documents for residence permits. The Finnish Immigration Service in Finland issues the residence permits. Detailed questions should be directed to the Finnish Immigration Service. You can also find useful material on their website.

Please read the instructions regarding the changes from the website of the Finnish Immigration Service.(Link to another website.)

You are recommended to note the following:

  • See the applications page(Link to another website.) to make sure that you meet the relevant requirements for a residence permit.
  • If you submitted your application using the Enter Finland online service, you can add information and documents there at any time by selecting ‘send additional information’
  • Employers must add the terms of employment(Link to another website.) to the application. More information for employers is available on the website of the Finnish Immigration Service(Link to another website.)
  • Employers are responsible for ensuring that the employees have the necessary level of competence and professional ability
  • The Finnish Immigration Service may ask you to supplement your application during the application process


The list of required documents for the work permit (TTOL) is available on the website of the Finnish Immigration Service.(Link to another website.)

The list is also available in Albanian language(Link to another website.). The language versions are listed on the left.



If you have not paid your application online in the EnterFinland-service, you must bring a receipt of your payment to the Embassys bank account

The residence permit process is also described in Albanian language on the website of the Embassy.


Please also read the previous news articles published on our website: