Flight connections from Cambodia

Traveler - are you still searching for a flight from Cambodia to Finland? Check out the list of current flight information (updated 17 Apr).

EU Delegation in Phnom Penh has compiled a list of airlines flying out from Phnom Penh.

There are very limited number of commercial flights from Cambodia to Europe. One remaining option is to travel to Finland via Seoul and Doha or London. Changing flight in Seoul is possible only if the luggage has been checked through at the first departure point to its final destination, i.e. in Phnom Penh, because exiting the transit area is not allowed without ending up quarantined. We recommend to book all flights from Phnom Penh to Finland on one ticket either through an airline (e.g. Qatar Airways) or travel agency, and get confirmation from the airline that checking the luggage to its final destination is possible already in Cambodia.

Search flights from airlines' and travel agencies' websites instead of calling. Do keep in mind that availability of flights can change quickly. You may use the list as a tool when searching for flights, taking into consideration of daily changes. Please acknowledge possible requirements for entry and transit of different authorities. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland is not responsible for the information.

List of flight connections in English (updated 17 April)