Advance voting in Singapore in June's European elections
The voting day for the European elections in Finland is Sunday 9 June 2024. Advance voting will be possible in Singapore from 29 May to 31 May 2024.
Advance voting in Singapore:
Embassy of Finland
United Square Office building
101 Thomson Road, United Square #21-03
Singapore 307591
Tel. +65 6254 4042
Opening hours:
Wednesday 29 May 8-20
Thursday 30 May 8-20
Friday 31 May 8-20
The Ministry of Justice has the overall responsibility for conducting the elections. It has published a list of the advance polling stations(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) and their opening hours on its website
Eligible voters staying abroad for the entire advance voting period and on election day may also vote in advance by post from abroad. The postal voting instructions are available on the website.