Appointments: Head of Mission to Maputo and non-resident Ambassador to Cambodia

At the presidential session on 18 October, the President of the Republic appointed a Head of Mission to Maputo and a non-resident Ambassador to Cambodia.

Embassy of Finland in Maputo, Mozambique

At its session on 17 October, the Government appointed Senior Adviser for Development Policy Satu Lassila to serve as Head of Mission starting from 27 December 2024. The President of the Republic appointed Counsellor for Foreign Affairs Satu Lassila to serve as Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Maputo, starting on 27 December 2024.

Lassila transfers to the post of Head of Mission from her position as Director of the Unit for UN Development Issues. Prior to this, she served as Permanent Representative of Finland to the UN organisations in Rome in 2018–2021. Lassila has previously worked as Senior Adviser in the Unit for Humanitarian Assistance and Policy and on gender equality issues in the Unit for Sectoral Policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Lassila has also held positions at the UN, including as an adviser to the World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Women.

Satu Lassila joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 2003. She holds a Master’s degree in social sciences.

Non-resident Ambassador

The President of the Republic appointed Ambassador Kristiina Kuvaja-Xanthopoulos, Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Bangkok, to serve as non-resident Ambassador in Cambodia.



  • Pekka Puustinen, Under-Secretary of State, tel. +358 295 350 228

  • The email addresses of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are in the format [email protected]