Evaluation report: Sustainable WASH for All – mid-term evaluation
According to the mid-term evaluation of the Sustainable WASH for All (SUSWA) project - a joint project between Nepal, Finland and the EU - SUSWA has renovated old water supply schemes and built also new ones. The project has been successful in raising municipalities' capacities in the water and sanitation sector as a result of its close cooperation with municipalities. SUSWA started in the province of Karnali at the end of 2021 and operates in the country's most remote regions, supporting municipalities in providing water and sanitation services for municipal residents.
According to the mid-term evaluation, climate change and equality have been taken into account well in the project and, in particular, the centralised treatment of water systems by chlorination has been presented to new areas. The mid-term evaluation also gives expert recommendations on how the project could be even more efficient and sustainable.
The aim of SUSWA is to strengthen the capacity of local governments and communities to improve and guarantee in a sustainable manner the access to safe drinking water, sanitation services and hygiene practices to all, including households and schools. SUSWA pays special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.
Evaluation report: Mid-Term Evaluation of Sustainable WASH for All in Nepal (SUSWA) - (PDF; 1,9 MB; 127 sivua)
Photo: Kristiina Mikkola