Current affairs
Appearance of passports and identity cards to change
Passports and identity cards issued by the Finnish authorities will have a new appearance as of 13 March 2023. Minor technical adjustments will also be made to residence permit cards and residence cards. The changes will have no effect on the validity of previously issued passports, identity cards or residence permit documents.
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Pavilion of Finland introduces composting toilet to Venice – 'Huussi' exhibition at the Biennale Architettura 2023 envisions a sanitary solution that saves water and recycles nutrients
The Pavilion of Finland will present The Dry Collective's exhibition Huussi, Imagining the future history of sanitation at the 2023 Biennale Architettura. The exhibition deals with the architecture of water and nutrient circulation and questions the sanitary solution we take for granted, the water toilet.
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