Seurasaari Easter Bonfires 

will burn again on 7th April. since the catholic Easter is celebrated one week before the orthodox Easter.  

© Helsingin kaupungin aineistopankki / Comma Image Oy © Helsingin kaupungin aineistopankki / Comma Image Oy

Easter bonfires have been lit in Seurasaari on Holy Saturdays since 1982. First bonfire is lit earlier in the evening and then, as the darkness falls upon the scene, a huge Easter bonfire lights up the sky.

According to an old Finnish tradition, evil spirits, witches and trolls are particularly busy on that day and bonfires are believed to scare them away.

If you want to see trolls yourself, come to Seurasaari on the evening, where you can see colourfully-dressed trolls reciting poems and singing in the light of the bonfire.

Text: Seurasaarisäätiö