Item 10 - General Debate
United Nations Human Rights Council, 57th Session. Item 10 - General Debate, Statement by Finland delivered on 9 October 2024.
Mr. President,
Finland aligns itself with the EU statement.
Finland supports politically and financially the admirable work of the OHCHR in providing technical assistance and capacity building.
On the path towards the full realization of human rights for all, ensuring the protection of human rights in legislation is a critical, necessary step. Inclusive legislative processes, where civil society can contribute, can improve the quality of new laws and standards.
Finland welcomes the steps taken by many States this year in strengthening their legislation for promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights. We warmly commend Sierra Leone, where a historic law banning child marriage was passed. The new legislation also provides an impressive social protection system for victims. We should not lose sight of positive developments.
Finland supports all States who wish to discuss our shared challenge of reaching the full realization of human rights. States like Colombia and Haiti deserve our respect for their proactive engagement. On the other hand, we regret that there is no interactive dialogue with Yemen in this Council and hope to re-engage in the future.
Finland engages in dialogue with Iraq on ensuring that proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law are in line with CEDAW and other international human rights obligations, and respects the full realization of women’s and girls’ rights, including inheritance and property rights.
Finland supports Georgia’s cooperation with the OHCHR on promoting, protecting and fulfilling human rights. We are concerned about some of the latest developments, including the law on transparency on foreign influencing and the law on family values and protection of minors. These hinder the freedoms of association and of expression, and the full enjoyment of all human rights by LGBTI persons. We underscore the necessity of engaging with and supporting civil society. We fully support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders and call for unhindered access for international and regional human rights mechanisms to Abkhazia and South-Ossetia.
Thank you.