A Christmas Message from Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja

Once again a year of hard work at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is coming to a close. After 1999, dominated as it was by Finland's Presidency of the European Union, 2000 gave us some breathing space, but not much. During the year now ending, the most spectacular events to occupy us were the Jolo hostage crisis, the chairmanship of the UN General Assembly and the EU's Intergovernmental Conference.

During the year, the foundation was laid for an unusually extensive examination of the tasks and resources of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Even though this preliminary work has consisted of internal preparations for the attention of political decision makers, it would be desirable if all our interest groups were to take part in discussion of the matter. The staff of the Ministry constantly face growing expectations and pressures. My sincere hope is that next year performance targets and available resources can be brought closer to parity.

I would like to wish you all a merry and peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year and an opportunity for some well-earned relaxation.

Erkki Tuomioja